Last Updated on July 4, 2024 by Thiago Crepaldi
From previous posts, we have deployed Zabbix Server on a Proxmox container. We also hardened the installation through Let’s Encrypt certificates for the web frontend and TLS encryption for the communication between Server and Agents/Proxies, after all, although encrypted Zabbix Server <-> Agent/Proxy communication with PSK or SSL certificates 🙂
In this post I will cover how to monitor a Linux Server using Zabbix Agent template. Templates are great because they already pack a bunch of monitoring items, actions, triggers, etc that we would have to add one by one otherwise. Using template is smart because when we need to make changes, we just do it in the template and all hosts that use them will see the new settings. On a manual setup, you would have to make the change in each host, one by one…
This post assumes you already installed and configured your Zabbix Agent, but if you didn’t, refer to How to install and configure Zabbix agent and resume from here when you are done.
Configuring Zabbix Server through Web UI
Go to Configuration >> Hosts and select your agent with Apache2 running. When the configuration dialog open, the Host tab should be the default one. Look for the Templates section. In the text box, type “FreeBSD” and select the “FreeBSD by Zabbix agent” in the search result. This will link the template to your agent.
That is it. There is no other configuration 🙂
Go to Monitoring >> Latest data. In the filter section, type the name of your FreeBSD server in the Hosts box and finally hit Apply. A list of items should be displayed for it, such as System Uptime, etc
That is it, have fun!
You said you are going to monitor a freebsd server. But you have done a linux server monitor. What is wrong in some places?
The tutorial is good FreeBSD, the Linux mention was a typo and I have fixed it.
Now that the steps instructed to pick the FreeBSD template