From previous posts, we have deployed Zabbix Server on a Proxmox container. We also hardened the installation through Let’s Encrypt certificates for the web frontend and TLS encryption for the communication between Server and Agents/Proxies, after all, although encrypted Zabbix Server <-> Agent/Proxy communication with PSK or SSL certificates 🙂 In this post I will…
Tag: monitoring
Monitoring Linux Server using Zabbix Agent
From previous posts, we have deployed Zabbix Server on a Proxmox container. We also hardened the installation through Let’s Encrypt certificates for the web frontend and TLS encryption for the communication between Server and Agents/Proxies, after all, although encrypted Zabbix Server <-> Agent/Proxy communication with PSK or SSL certificates 🙂 In this post I will…
Monitoring Apache Web Server using Zabbix Agent 2
From previous posts, we have deployed Zabbix Server on a Proxmox container. We also hardened the installation through Let’s Encrypt certificates for the web frontend and TLS encryption for the communication between Server and Agents/Proxies, after all, although encrypted Zabbix Server <-> Agent/Proxy communication with PSK or SSL certificates 🙂 In this post I will…
Monitoring MySQL/MariaDB Server using Zabbix Agent 2
From previous posts, we have deployed Zabbix Server on a Proxmox container. We also hardened the installation through Let’s Encrypt certificates for the web frontend and TLS encryption for the communication between Server and Agents/Proxies, after all, although encrypted Zabbix Server <-> Agent/Proxy communication with PSK or SSL certificates 🙂 In this post I will…
Hardening Zabbix Server installation using Apache VirtualHosts and Let’s Encrypt certificates
In my previous post, we went through the process of installing Zabbix Server on a Debian LXC container. Although it works alright, it doesn’t come with HTTPS support out of the box. It also has an “ugly” /zabbix in the end of the URL. In this short post, we are going through the steps of…
Monitoring IT infrastructure with Zabbix server running on a Proxmox LXC container
After some time we accumulating VMs, containers, physical devices and keeping track of what is working as it should or not start to get challenging. Not rarely we start adding a bunch of homemade scripts to warns when some service dies, creating a management nightmare. This is where Zabbix comes to the rescue! According to…
How to setup UPS support on Synology DSM
In previous posts we have discussed how to enable SNMPv1 support on your APC UPS for remote monitoring. Here we are going to leverage this configuration to allow your Synology NAS to monitor your UPS and protect it from outages! The first step is to open Control Panel >> Hardware & Power >> UPS. Note…
How to setup UPS monitoring on your pfSense
In previous posts we have discussed how to enable SNMPv1 support on your APC UPS for remote monitoring. Here we are going to leverage this configuration to allow pfSense to monitor your UPS and protect it from outages! The first step is to install the nut package on pfSense, if it is not installed yet….