Last Updated on December 30, 2024 by Thiago Crepaldi
A OpenVPN server is useful if you want to safely connect to your house/office’s network from a remote place, say Disneyland or from abroad. In this article we are going to setup an OpenVPN server on your pfSense using pfSense Local Database for authentication.
Getting ready
A brief word on performance running
VPN depends on cryptography which can be really hard on your CPU. The following commands are not required for your VPN server, but it does help you determine RSA key length, crypto devices, etc that will make your appliance’s life less busy.
RSA Key Lenght
SSH into your pfSense device and run: openssl speed rsa2048 rsa4096
to test how many messages your CPU can sign and verify per second. Results varies depend on your hardware, but here is what I’ve got on my Netgate SG-2440:
sign verify sign/s verify/s
rsa 2048 bits 0.006880s 0.000246s 145.4 4068.6
rsa 4096 bits 0.048953s 0.000834s 20.4 1198.6
As you can see, by doubling the key length from 2048 to 4096 bits caused a 7x slow down for signing messages and around 3x to verify incoming messages. As a general rule, unless you really need 4096 bit for a special application, a key length of 2048 bit should be more than enough.
Crypto devices
Depending on your CPU, you can take advantage of special instructions set for cryptography, such as AES-NI. OpenSSL has a way to list all hardware or software implementation used for performing cryptographic available.
SSH into your pfSense and run openssl engine -t -c
. Results varies depending on your setup. My Netgate SG-2440 returned the following:
(cryptodev) BSD cryptodev engine
[RSA, DSA, DH, AES-128-CBC, AES-192-CBC, AES-256-CBC]
[ available ]
(rdrand) Intel RDRAND engine
[ available ]
As we can see, my system has support for both BSD crypto (cryptodev) and Intel RDRAND (rdrand) engines. Between square brackets we can see all capabilities that each engine supports. BSD cryptodev supports AES-XXX-CBC encryption algorithms, which we will leverage when configuring OpenVPN server:
Running openssl speed -evp aes-256-cbc
on my pfSense I got the following:
The 'numbers' are in 1000s of bytes per second processed.
type 16 bytes 64 bytes 256 bytes 1024 bytes 8192 bytes
aes-256-cbc 14736.50k 55675.86k 189614.37k 773839.01k 6153626.51k
Running openssl speed -evp aes-256-cbc -engine rdrand
on my pfSense I got the following:
The 'numbers' are in 1000s of bytes per second processed.
type 16 bytes 64 bytes 256 bytes 1024 bytes 8192 bytes
aes-256-cbc 14008.64k 50313.22k 235134.98k 960143.36k 6944325.63k
Running openssl speed -evp aes-256-cbc -engine cryptodev
on my pfSense I got the following:
type 16 bytes 64 bytes 256 bytes 1024 bytes 8192 bytes
aes-256-cbc 12968.82k 64247.92k 223889.18k 769165.66k 6966214.66k
As we can see, using crypto devices didn’t improve numbers on my Netgate SG-2440, but if you see better numbers on your system, take note of which engine worked better!
Misc tweaks
Do test/tweaking with different values *after* your OpenVPN server is up and running.
Send/Receive Buffer is worth experimenting as it depends in your hardware and internet link. Start with 512 KiB, run speed test and experiment increasing/decreasing and re-running speed test until you find a good balance
UDP Fast I/O tries to optimize package writing, but it is not compatible with all hardware. On my Netgate SG-2440, for example, it seems to cause some upload hiccups (upload spikes really quick and seems to freeze for brief moments before resuming).
Server certificate
A safe VPN server requires certificates to encrypt data. OpenVPN recommends using self-signed Certificate Authority (CA) and Certificates for better security. The explanation for this choice as opposed to using Let’s Encrypt SSL certificates is to restrict certificates issue by third-parties to be accepted by your VPN server. If a public CA is compromised, any malicious certificates issues by them could be used to try to access your network. Not cool. That doesn’t mean you cannot use Let’s Encrypt, though; chances of a their CA being compromised is very low.
On your pfSense, go to System >> Cert. Manager >> CAs and click on Add to create the CA as follows and click on Save at the bottom of the page.
Create / Edit CA:
- Descriptive Name: Self-signed CA for OpenVPN Server
- Method: Create an Internal Certificate Authority
- True store: unchecked
- Randomize Serial: unchecked
Internal Certificate Authority
- Key type: RSA
- Length: 2048 (as per the RSA key length discussion)
- Digest algorithm: sha256 (as per crypto devices discussion)
- Lifetime (days): 3650
- Common Name: pfSense_RootCA
- Country code, State or Province, City, Organization, Organizational Unit are optional and you can leave them blank
Now that you have your CA, go to System >> Cert. Manager >> Certificates tab and click on Add/Sign to create the certificate as follows and click Save at the bottom of the page
Add/Sign a new certificate
- Method: Create an internal certificate
- Descriptive Name: Self-signed Certificate for OpenVPN Server
Internal certificate
- Certificate Authority: Self-signed CA for OpenVPN Server
- Key length: 2048 (must match key length of your CA)
- Digest algorithm: sha256 (must match digest algorithm of your CA)
- Lifetime (days): 3650
- Common Name: pfSense_Cert
- Country code, State or Province, City, Organization, Organizational Unit are optional and you can leave them blank
Certificate attributes
- Certificate Type: Server Certificate
- Alternative names: leave blank
VPN Server
As soon as you get your CA and Certificate, you are good to go to create your VPN server. Go to VPN >> OpenVPN >> Servers page, click on Add to create your VPN server as follows and click on Save once you are done.
General Information
- Disabled: uncheck
- Description: OpenVPN server for remote access
Mode Configuration
- Server mode: Remote Access (SSL/TLS + User Auth)
- Alternative: Remote Access (User Auth) doesn’t need user certificate
- DCO: unchecked
- Backend for authentication: Select Local Database
- Device mode: tun – Layer 3 tunnel mode
Endpoint configuration
- Protocol: UDP on IPv4 Only
- Interface: WAN
- Local port: 1194
Cryptographic Settings
- TLS Configuration:
- check Use a TLS Key
- check Automatically generate a TLS Key.
- Peer Certificate Authority: Select your self signed CA
- Peer Certificate Revocation list: empty
- OSCP Check: unchecked
- Server certificate: Select your self-signed Certificate
- DH Parameter Length: 2048 bit
- ECDH Curve: Use default
- Data Encryption Algorithm: AES-256-CBC (as per crypto devices discussion)
- Fallback Data Encryption Algorithms: same as above – we don’t allow weaker settings
- Auth digest algorithm: sha256
- Hardware Crypto: Select one as per crypto devices discussion
- Certificate Depth One (Client+Server)
- Client Certificate Key Usage Validation: unchecked
Tunnel Settings
- IPv4 Tunnel Network: (or any other network not in use by your LAN/WAN)
- IPv6 Tunnel Network: empty
- Redirect IPv4 Gateway: checked
- Redirect IPv6 Gateway: unchecked
- IPv4 Local network(s): empty
- IPv6 Local network(s): empty
- IPv4 Remote network(s): empty
- IPv6 Remote network(s): empty
- Concurrent connections: 5 (or any other number)
- Allow Compression: Omit preference (faster, less secure) or Refuse any non-stub compression (most secure)
- Type-of-Service: unchecked
- Inter-client communication: unchecked (or checked if you want to connect to non-VPN devices)
- Duplicate Connection: checked (as you may connect from more than you device)
Client Settings
- Dynamic IP: checked
- Topology: Subnet – One IP address per client in a common subnet
Ping settings
- Inactive: 0
- Ping method: keepalive
- Interval: 5
- Timeout: 30
Advanced Configuration
- Custom options: empty (or mssfix 1400 if you are experiencing often connections drops)
- UDP Fast I/O: unchecked (check misc tweaks)
- Exit Notify: Disabled
- Send/Receive Buffer: 256 KiB (check misc tweaks)
- Gateway creation: IPv4 ONLY
- Verbosity level: 3
Once you click on Save, your VPN server will start to run.
User accounts
As we chose to use Local Database as backend for authentication, we need to create users accounts and certificates for all users that need to connect to the VPN. If you chose Remote Access (User Auth) as Backend for authentication, skip this section.
Visit System >> User manager and press Add and do as follows:
- User properties
- Disabled: unchecked
- Username: new username
- Password: strong password
- Full name: full name
- Click to create a user certificate: checked
- Create Certificate for User
- Descriptive name: username certificate
- Certificate authority: select your self-signed CA
- Key length: 2048
- Lifetime: 3650
- Keys:
- Authorized SSH Keys: optional SSH public key
Press Save to finish user creation.
Configuring clients
First, we need to install a new package to simplify VPN clients configuration. Go to System >> Package Manager >> Available Packages e click on Install for the openvpn-client-export package.
Go to VPN >> OpenVPN >> Client Export page and do as follows:
OpenVPN Server
- Remote Access Server: Select the OpenVPN server you created
Client Connection Behavior
- Host Name Resolution: Pick your DDNS client (CloufFlare or DuckDNS)
- Verify Server CN:Automatic
- Block Outside DNS: checked
- Legacy Client: unchecked
- Use Random Local Port: unchecked
Certificate Export Options
- PKCS#11 Certificate Storage: unchecked
- Microsoft Certificate Storage: unchecked
- Password Protect Certificate: unchecked
Proxy Options
- Use A Proxy: unchecked
- Additional configuration options: empty
Click on Save as default and scroll down until you see OpenVPN Clients section. In the user table you will see an entry for each user you created before. In the export column you will find several buttons for different OS and VPN Clients. Pick one that suits you and download the configuration file. Use that file to import the VPN connection on your VPN client. I enjoy Viscosity which is not free, but very worth the money! OpenVPN client is free and a good alternative too.
Assigning an Interface to VPN server
Up to this point, your VPN server is working well. The next steps will assign a virtual interface to your VPN server so that you can monitor traffic, its uptime and create fine grained firewall rules.
Go to Interfaces >> Assignments >> Interface Assignments page. At the bottom of the table, you should see a line such as Available network ports in the Interface column. On its Network port column you have to select the VPN server you just created and click on Add and Save. This will create an interface that will be probably named OPT1 (or any other OPTNNN).
Click on the OPT1 link and do as follows:
- Enable: checked
- Description: Rename OPT1 to VPNServer_1 or something meaningful
Click Save and then Apply changes. This will create a virtual interface with the new name. Your VPN server will be able to connect, but won’t pass in any traffic until you fix the firewall rules. Let’s fix it!
Allow VPN connections from WAN
We need to create a firewall rule so that VPN connections coming from internet are allowed to passthrough and reach the OpenVPN server service. Go to Firewall >> Rules >> WAN page. Click on Add to create a new rule at the bottom and do as follows:
- Edit Firewall Rule
- Action: Pass
- Disabled: unchecked
- Interface: WAN
- Address family: IPv4
- Protocol: UDP
- Source
- Source: Any
- Destination
- Destination: WAN Address
- Destination Port Range: 1194
- Extra Options
- Log: unchecked
- Description Allow OpenVPN server
Click on Save and Apply changes.
Allow traffic through VPN interface
Go to Firewall >> Rules >> OpenVPN page. There will be one rule listed, which is used by all VPN servers that don’t have interface assigned. But you just assigned a rule, so you need to move (not duplicate!) from OpenVPN to OpenVPN_1 interface. Click on edit icon, then change Interface from OpenVPN to VPNServer_1 and click on Save. Depending on the pfSense version, the rules list is empty. In this case, we will create a new one. Click on the interface name (aka VPNServer_1), click on Add and do as follows:
- Edit Firewall Rule
- Action: Pass
- Disabled: unchecked
- Interface: VPNServer_1
- Address family: IPv4
- Protocol: Any
- Source
- Source: Any
- Destination
- Destination: Any
- Extra Options
- Log: unchecked
- Description Default allow all
Click on Save and Apply changes.
Configure VPN Gateway
The last missing part is configuring the VPN server gateway. Go to System >> Routing >> Gateways page and in the line that shows your VPN server gateway, click on edit icon. make sure Disabled is unchecked and add your VPN server IP such as in the Monitor IP field and click on Save and Apply changes.
Dashboard extras
You can add Gateways, Interfaces and Traffic Graphs widgets to the pfSense Dashboard and watch your VPN stats from there. Have fun!