Last Updated on August 14, 2022 by Thiago Crepaldi
By default, pings are not allowed and actually not recommended. Bu during a network debugging, it can be quite handy.
In order to allow ping incoming on the pfSense WAN port, go to Firewall >> Rules >> WAN page and create a new rule by clicking on Add button (down arrow icon) and do as follows:
- Action: Pass
- Protocol: ICMP
- ICMP subtypes: Echo request
- Source: any
- Destination: This Firewall
- Description: Allow ping on WAN
At the end, click on Save and Apply changes.
>>By default, pings are not allowed and actually not recommended.
There are cases where echo requests to the WAN/firewall are beneficial and sometimes mandatory, such as tunneling IPv6 over IPv4.
Also, on your firewall rule, the destination should be “This Firewall” instead of “any”.
mmmh, actually the destination should be “WAN”, not “This firewall”, unless you want to change the title of this post!